AppFX Dev Team

We build amazing products using a SINGLE Dart/Fluter codebase

iOS, Android, Web, Backend


Single Codebase breakdown

By embracing a single codebase for your Flutter/Dart apps, your agency can unlock unprecedented efficiency, cost-effectiveness, collaboration, and scalability. This streamlined approach empowers you to deliver high-quality products faster, with fewer resources, and at a lower cost.


Architectural Foundation: Cross-Platform Framework

Leverage Flutter's inherent ability to compile Dart code into native applications for iOS, Android, and the web.

Utilize Flutter's extensive widget library to build consistent user interfaces across all platforms.

Backend Integration: Shared Logic and Data

Employ Dart on the backend to create a unified language ecosystem across your entire application.

Establish clear APIs for communication between the frontend and backend components.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Streamlined Workflow

Implement automated testing to ensure code quality and catch errors early in the development cycle.

Automate the build, test, and deployment process to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow.

Web Deployment: Flutter for Web

Activate Flutter's web support to compile your app for deployment on the web.

Explore the potential of PWAs to deliver a seamless app-like experience on the web.


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